Recieved: 01/31/2023
Accepted: 06/19/2023
Published: 08/22/2023
Keywords: integrated education; poly-artistic education; directions of development; space; diversity of arts; artistic activity; self-development of personality
p.: 174-182
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2023.0317
Available online: 22.08.2023
Savenkova Lubov’ G.. Person development by immersion in a variety of art forms. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 3. p.174-182. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0317
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CopyObjective. The article aims to highlight and substantiate the importance and significance of introducing children and youth to art in the modern situation, when it acquires a special meaning.
Results. The article reveals the factors of integrated poly-artistic education on the example of three types of art: literary, theatrical, and visual.
Conclusions. The problem of person development by immersion in art has always interested researchers. Currently, misunderstanding of the need for the humanitarian and artistic component of general education leads students to narrow thinking and underestimation of their professional activities.
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Savenkova Lubov’ G.. Person development by immersion in a variety of art forms. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 3. p.174-182. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0317
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