Recieved: 02/27/2023
Accepted: 05/30/2023
Published: 08/21/2023
Keywords: actor; personal characteristics; stress; coping-behavior; coping strategies
Pages: 87-97
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2023.0309
Available online: 21.08.2023
Lykova, T.A., Petrakova, A.V. (2023). Personality characteristics and coping strategies in actors. National Psychological Journal, 18(3) , 87-97.
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CopyObjective. Authors aim to reveal the interrelation between personal features and stress coping strategies in actors.
Methods. The research involved psychodiagnostic methods: Cattell’s 16 PF questionnaire, Folkman and Lazarus’ questionnaire of coping strategies adapted by T.L. Kryukova. The correlation analysis revealed the interrelation of personal characteristics and coping-strategies used by the respondents.
Results. It was shown that the frequency of appeal to all coping-strategies by actors is on the average level, the problemoriented strategies are used less often in comparison to the strategies of separating oneself from the problem, and restoring the emotional balance. Personality traits as recorded by Cattell E scale (dominance) and L scale (suspiciousness) showed negative correlation with the use of strategies of “planning the solution of problems” (r = –0,63, p = 0,01 for the E scale) and “seeking social support” (r = –0,55, p = 0,01 for the L scale).
Conclusion. Comparison of the results obtained in the study with the data of similar works of previous years allowed us to identify the dynamics of personal characteristics peculiar to actors. In current conditions striving for domination, leadership, readiness for publicity become particularly relevant for the representatives of the acting profession. It was found that personal characteristics of suspiciousness and diplomacy play an important role in actors’ choice of coping-strategies in stressful situations. The results obtained point to the need for a special development of a system of psychological support and accompaniment not only for beginners but also for experienced actors.
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Lykova, T.A., Petrakova, A.V.. Personality characteristics and coping strategies in actors. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 3. Pages87-97. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0309
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