Recieved: 01/18/2023
Accepted: 06/15/2023
Published: 08/17/2023
Keywords: concept; discourses; concepts; whole; relations; contexts; processes; structures; thinking; individual
p.: 6-15
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2023.0302
Available online: 17.08.2023
Rozin Vadim M.. Three concepts of the Psychology of Art (correlation of discourses in psychology, art criticism, and philosophy. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 3. p.6-15. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0302
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CopyObjective. The article seeks to analyze the characteristic types of concepts in psychology of art, to understand their structure. Considering the approaches in which such concepts were created, as well as scientific discourses and concepts used in this fields, the author focuses on the analyses of three types of approaches (discourses) — psychological, art criticism and philosophical and on understanding the relationships between them.
Methods. The paper analyzes the concept of psychology of art by L.S. Vygotsky and one of his followers, V.S. Sobkin, on the example of the discussion of theatrical reincarnation, the concept of art by N.V. Rozhdestvenskaya and the concept of art proposed by the author. The discourses and concepts used in each concept (psychological and non-psychological) are considered, as well as the ways to identify the common structures in these concepts, which determine the contexts of psychological processes and structures. To explain the author’s concept of the psychology of art, a case analysis in formation of artistic vision in childhood is proposed.
Results. It is shown that in the first two concepts of psychology of art, two main discourses are used — psychological and art history, and in the third — philosophical, within which the whole is set (comprehension of art, artistic communication, artistic reality). The first two concepts differ in the ways of specifying the whole and psychological constructions (in the first, the psychological mechanism is indicated, in the second, a set of processes and structures). Psychological constructions in the third concept are mediated by knowledge of the whole, as a result, some of them are quite well known in psychology, while others are introduced as new concepts. At the end of the article, two more contexts of the whole are indicated: features of individual perception and experience of art, as well as general psychological conditions.
Conclusion. Naturally, psychological, philosophical and art criticism approaches to and concepts of art do not coincide. However, many of the issues and theoretical distinctions related to them are either common or overlapping, indicating the interactions of these disciplines.
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Rozin Vadim M.. Three concepts of the Psychology of Art (correlation of discourses in psychology, art criticism, and philosophy. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 3. p.6-15. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0302
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