ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Национальный психологический журнал
Национальный психологический журнал

Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI / Институт атомной энергетики Национального исследовательского ядерного университета МИФИ (ИАТЭ НИЯУ МИФИ)


Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI



Bogatykh B.A. (2018) Fractal holographic construct and the field theory of K. Lewin. National Psychological Journal, [Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal], 11(2), 123–134

Background. Key issues of approaches to the field theory of K. Levin within the nature (concept) of fractal and holographic construct are considered. At the beginning of the 20th century neopositivism, the newly-developed philosophical trend, proclaimed the language of physics as the only scientific one that has to be used as the translation language of psychology. However, K. Levin considered physics from a different angle. He was not interested in the operational procedures able to carry out data of psychological concepts to physical terminology, but in the intellectual methods. According to K. Levin, the aforementioned methods can contribute to developing new psychology. K. Levin introduced the concept of "psychological field" to describe not physical, but psychological reality where a person lives. In order to avoid interpretation of psychological phenomena, using a concept of the dynamic field K. Levin tried to pass from physics to geometry, in particular, to topology (that studies space transformations).

Objective. The fractal holographic construct will allow to present psychological phenomena in more generalized forms. For this purpose the most adequate topological (fractal geometry) and the physical (holography) nature of this construct are considered. Mathematical tools of fractal structures and holography are used. Mathematical tools of fractal structures will correspond to the Fibonacci sequence, the golden proportion, mathematical progression, non-Markovian random processes. Accordingly, the holography of self-similarity in the presentation of character information (Thue-Morsa sequence, Fibonacci sequence, Pribram's transformation).

Conclusion. Tthe affected mathematical features of the construct mentioned above will promote an explanation of the mental nature and consciousness. This reveals a big scope for further research of various mental phenomena and the nature of human consciousness.

Received: 11/14/2017

Accepted: 12/07/2017

Pages: 123-134

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0213

Keywords: field theory of K. Levin; fractal geometry; holography; Fibonacci's numbers; gold proportion; mathematical progression; non-Markovian random processes; Thue-Morsa sequence; Fibonacci sequence; Pribram's transformation;

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Available Online: 08/01/2018