ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Eskov, Valery M

Eskov, Valery M

Eskov, Valery M

Academic rank: Professor

Degree: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Doctor of Biology

Affiliation: Surgut State University

Doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences, Professor
Surgut, Russia


Stress reaction to cooling: entropic and chaotic estimation.
National Psychological Journal p. 45-52 2016. , 1.
Eskov, Valery M Filatov, Mikhail A. Zinchenko, Yu. P. Streltsova, Tatiana V.
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The effect of N.A. Bernstein in the evaluation of tremor parameters for different acoustic effects
National Psychological Journal p. 66-73 2015. , 4.
Eskov, Valery M Zinchenko, Yu. P. Filatov, Mikhail A. Poskina, Tatiana Yu.
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