ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828



Lifintsev D.V., Serykh A.B., Lifintseva A.A. (2017). Tolerance to uncertainty in the context of social support: gender specificity in the youth environment. National Psychological Journal. 2, 98-105.


The paper presents the results of a study of social support for young males and females, and also its relationship with tolerance of uncertainty. A series of psychodiagnostic tools were used to study gender determinants of social support, tolerance of uncertainty and interpersonal intolerance in young people with different levels of emotional and instrumental support. Young males and females aged 18–22 years with a high level of tolerance of uncertainty are susceptible to various forms of social support. The ability to accept uncertainty, to function in the system of unclear interpersonal communication and to act in the face of changing circumstances determine the level of satisfaction with social support in the participants. The research (N=165) confirmed the assumption that first and foremost social support as a communicative phenomenon has differences in the perception of emotional forms in young males and females. Secondly, the specific features of person functioning in the social supporting act system are interrelated, including the level of tolerance of uncertainty. Thirdly, social support can reduce human state of uncertainty and eventually neutralize the negative impact of stressful events. The human ability to «see and discover» the social support, be sensitive and attentive to the supporting acts of social environment has a close relationship with the ability to accept uncertainty and maintain stability in a state of discomfort if any.

Received: 11/27/2016
Accepted: 01/14/2017
Pages: 98-105
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0211

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Keywords: social support; social integration; tolerance; tolerance to ambiguity; young people;

Available Online 28.06.2017

Fig. 1. Mean values based on F-SOZU-22 method

Table 1. Mean values of social support in the participants with different levels of tolerance of uncertainty (in points)

Tolerance of Uncertainty. Forms and Levels

Parameters of Social Support (mean value)

Emotional Support

Tool Support

Social Integration

Satisfaction with Social Support

Tolerance of Uncertainty (ТU)

High Level





Average Level





Low Level





Intolerance (IT)

High Level





Average Level





Low Level





Interpersonal Intolerance to Uncertainty (IITT)

High Level





Average Level





Low Level






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Lifintsev D.V., Serykh A.B., Lifintseva A.A. (2017). Tolerance to uncertainty in the context of social support: gender specificity in the youth environment. National Psychological Journal. 2, 98-105.