ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Purposal determinants as a factor integration of human with the world
National Psychological Journal p. 11-19 2024. , 3.
Grishina, N.V.
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Social Cognition and Social Context: a New Reading of the Scientific Heritage of G.M. Andreeva
National Psychological Journal p. 20-30 2024. , 3.
Khoroshilov, D.A.
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Identification with the Generation: Socio-Psychological Approach and Empirical Research Experience
National Psychological Journal p. 31-45 2024. , 3.
Belinskaya, E.P. Rikel, A.M.
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Ethnocultural and Conflictological Aspects of the Perception of Internet Memes: Results of an Eye-Tracking Experiment
National Psychological Journal p. 65-80 2024. , 3.
Rabeson, M.D. Denisova, G.V. Smirnova, O.V. Steblovskaya, S.B.
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Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches as a Methodological Issue in Social Psychology
National Psychological Journal p. 81-90 2024. , 3.
Lipatov, S.A. Nesterova, Е.М.
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Psychological Counseling and Coaching as Types of Socio-Psychological Assistance
National Psychological Journal p. 91-103 2024. , 3.
Zubova, Y.A. Ivanov, M.A.
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Moral Decision-Making in Situations of Potential Cyberbullying in Relation to Individual Psychological Characteristics of Students
National Psychological Journal p. 104-114 2024. , 3.
Pogozhina, I.N. Rekun, O.S.
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Relationship Between Attitude to Global Risks, Belief in the Paranormal and Self-Efficacy among Students
National Psychological Journal p. 115-127 2024. , 3.
Sachkova, М.Е. Semenova, L.E.
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Manifestation of Life Meaning Crisis at Youth
National Psychological Journal p. 11-22 2024. , 2.
Skirtach, I.A. Pakhomova, V.A.
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Possibilities of the Passive Image-Therapy Method in Reducing Information and Psychological Stress among Students during the Examination Session
National Psychological Journal p. 23-35 2024. , 2.
Deulin, D.V. Petrov, V.E. Litvinova, А.V. Kodzhaspirov, A.Yu.
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