ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828



L’vova Elena N., Shlyagina Elena I., Gusev Aleksei N. (2016). Using the Rosenzweig frustration picture test in the study of coping behaviour in the situation of uncertainty. National Psychological Journal. 1, 19-27.


The paper highlights the relation between the relevance of coping behaviour and increasing interest to phenomena of uncertainty. The reviewing of coping as complicated setting notion including several levels is offered. The relevance of studying conscious and unconscious levels of coping is validated. Using coping questionnaires’ deficit of prognosis validity and the relevancy of using projective methods that are effective and useful in diagnostics of coping’ unconscious components are discussed. Due to the changes in viewing difficult life situations’ range and focusing on subjective perception of difficulties, the frustration situations are reviewed as difficult daily life situations. The Rosenzweig Picture Frustration test could be used for diagnosing coping’ unconscious components that compose meaning set level and coping behaviour basis.

The relations among personal characteristics (tolerance/intolerance to uncertainty, noetic orientations, personal anxiety, locus of control) and three types and three directions of subjects’ responses in test’ situations were examined, generalized linear models were used. The subjects of the research are 199 teachers from secondary schools of Russian Federation, mean age is 40.6 years old. The results showed significant relations between particular personal characteristics and types and directions of the responses: ego-defense type and tolerance to uncertainty, obstacle-dominance type and personal anxiety, intropunitive direction and personal anxiety, obstacledominance type and noetic orientations. The common discussion of current results and results obtained in previous studies demonstrates potential existence of mediating relations between particular coping strategies and types and directions of subjects’ responses in The Rosenzweig Picture Frustration test.

Received: 12/16/2015
Accepted: 12/27/2015
Pages: 19-27
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2016.0103

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Keywords: coping; frustration; uncertainty; tolerance to ambiguity; generalized linear model; teachers;

Available Online 06.07.2016

Low Level, R

High Level, R


Lack of reactions fixed on self-defense




Prevalence of reactions fixed on self-defense







191 [1]

Table 1. Comparison of tolerance for uncertainty and reaction to fixation on self-defense.

Low Level, AL

High Level, AL


Lack of reactions fixed on the obstacle




Prevalence of fixed on an obstacle








Table 2. Comparison of personal anxiety levels and reactions with a fixation on obstacle.

Low Level, AL

High Level, AL


Lack of intropunitive reactions




Prevalence of intropunitive reactions








Table 3. Comparison of personal anxiety levels and intropunitive reactions.

Low Level, LM

High Level, LM


Lack of reactions fixed on the obstacle




Prevalence of fixed on an obstacle








Table 4. Comparison of the general level of meaning of life reactions and fixation on obstacle.

1. The number of participants of the research, whose results are included in the contingency tables hereinafter, may not coincide with the total number of participants, due to lack of data on individual procedures.


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For citing this article:

L’vova Elena N., Shlyagina Elena I., Gusev Aleksei N. (2016). Using the Rosenzweig frustration picture test in the study of coping behaviour in the situation of uncertainty. National Psychological Journal. 1, 19-27.