ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Theoretical foundations for the procedural model of the image of the world of personality

Theoretical foundations for the procedural model of the image of the world of personality

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Recieved: 08/26/2022

Accepted: 04/12/2023

Published: 06/16/2023

Keywords: image of the world, ; personal meaning; personal values; individual system of meanings; procedural model of the image of the world ; procedural approach in personality psychology

p.: 14–28

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2023.0202

Available online: 16.06.2023

To cite this article:

Alina I. Kononova, Kostromina, S.N. . Theoretical foundations for the procedural model of the image of the world of personality. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 2. p.14–28. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0202

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Issue 2, 2023

Alina I. Kononova Saint-Petersburg State University

Kostromina, S.N. Saint-Petersburg State University


Background. The article deals with the issue of studying the image of the world of personality, taking into account the existing theoretical approaches to study and the modern understanding of personality psychology. There is a lack of relevant operationalized models of the image of the world, allowing to show its dynamism and reflect the procedural nature of the inner world of a person, which is an integral part of the study of human psychology in dynamic, rapidly changing society, global upheavals and challenges of the uncertain future. The modern viewpoint on the changeable nature of personality allows us to develop the construct “image of the world” in terms of the procedural approach in personality psychology. 

Objective. The article is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the procedural model of the image of the world in an individual. 

Methods.The research methods used are theoretical and methodological analyses of literature on the problem of studying the image of the world of personality, generalization of scientific data, and modeling applied in order to construct a procedural model of the image of the world of personality. 

Results. A theoretical analysis of approaches to the study of the “image of the world” of the individual is carried out. Based on the concepts of “meaning” and “personal meaning”, two basic categories of psychology — “image” and “world” — are analyzed. The definition of the image of the world as an integral individual system of personality values, semantic component of its interaction with the world, is proposed. It is concluded that the image of the world includes an individual system of meanings, personal meanings and ways of interaction with the world. The existing models of the image of the world are considered. The procedural approach is applied to the construction of a theoretical model of the image of the world. Based on the ideas about the ways of human interaction with the world of S.L. Rubinstein, the concept of the image of the world by A.N. Leontiev and V.P. Serkin, as well as the provisions of the procedural approach in personality psychology by S.N. Kostromina and N.V. Grishina, the author’s procedural model of the image of the world reflects the essential relationships and connections between three layers of the image of the world: perceptual, semantic and nuclear. 

Conclusion. The procedural model of the image of the world reflects a specifically human way of existence, revealing the procedural, dynamic nature of personality. Based on this approach to understanding the image of the world, it is possible to present the real processes taking place in the inner world of the individual.


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To cite this article:

Alina I. Kononova, Kostromina, S.N. . Theoretical foundations for the procedural model of the image of the world of personality. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 2. p.14–28. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0202

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