ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Psychological conditions of developing the internal dialogue in the school student

Psychological conditions of developing the internal dialogue in the school student

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p.: 26-31

Keywords: internal dialogue; internal polylogue; planned approach to development of conceptual mental activity; developing training; student research and development work

To cite this article:

Samonenko, Il'ya Y., Samonenko, Yriy A. , Zhiltsova, Ol'ga A. . Psychological conditions of developing the internal dialogue in the school student. // National Psychological Journal 2012. 2. p.26-31.

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Issue 2, 2012

Samonenko, Il'ya Y. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Samonenko, Yriy A. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Zhiltsova, Ol'ga A.


The results of the research conducted by the authors in order to identify the characteristics of the psychological content of the internal dialogue in school students and establishing ways to build the inner dialogue in the learning process are shown. This work is based on planned approach to development of conceptual mental activity by P.Y. Galpern.

To cite this article:

Samonenko, Il'ya Y., Samonenko, Yriy A. , Zhiltsova, Ol'ga A. . Psychological conditions of developing the internal dialogue in the school student. // National Psychological Journal 2012. 2. p.26-31. doi:

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