ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828

National Psychological Journal #1/2018, 160 p.

Scientific life

Zinchenko Yury. P. (2018). The 6th ASEAN Regional Congress of Psychological Associations. National Psychological Journal. 1, 3-4.

Pages: 3-4

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Developmental Psychology and Pedagogical Psychology

Topical Unit: Childhood in the interdisciplinary research
(Implementation of the decree «On the Decade of Childhood in the Russian Federation»)

Zinchenko Yury. P. (2018). 2-nd All-Russian Conference «The way to success: programs to support gifted children and youth in the context of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation». National Psychological Journal. 1, 5

Pages: 5

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Dubrovina I. V. (2018). Psychological issues of education of kindergarten children and school children in the information society. National Psychological Journal. 1, 6-16.

Pages: 6-16

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0101

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Burlakova N.S. (2018). Mental development of children who survived mass disasters: from consequences studying to development designing on the basis of cultural and historical analysis. National Psychological Journal. 1, 17-29.

Pages: 17-29

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0102

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Semenova L.E., Serebryakova T.A., Knyazeva E.V. (2018). Pilot program for optimizing parenting motivation. National Psychological Journal. 1, 30-37.

Pages: 30-37

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0103

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Rozhdestvenskaya N.A., Mozharovsky I.L., Makaryan V.V. (2018). Relationship of personal and professional identity in high school students. National Psychological Journal. 1, 38-49.

Pages: 38-49

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0104

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Zhuikova E.B., Pechnikova L.S., Ryzhov A.L. (2018). Assessing child photographs as a method of studying parents’ expectations and attitudes toward a potentially adopted child. National Psychological Journal. 1, 50-62.

Pages: 50-62

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0105

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Sobkin V.S., Kalashnikova E.A. (2018). Attitude to supplementary education in students of the secondary and high school: social and psychological aspects. National Psychological Journal. 1, 63-76.

Pages: 63-76

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0106

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Konshina T.M., Sadovnikova T.Yu. (2018). Adolescents’ idea of the parental participation in early career choice. National Psychological Journal. 1, 77-87.

Pages: 77-87

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0107

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Churbanova S.M. (2018). Developing creative thinking in children. National Psychological Journal. 1, 88-97.

Pages: 88-97

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0108

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Cognitive Psychology

Cherkasova A.N., Kovyazina M.S., Muromtseva T.S. (2018). The influence of memory on the results of dichotic listening. National Psychological Journal. 1, 88-97.

Pages: 98-105

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0109

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Volkova N.N., Gusev A.N. (2018). Cognitive styles and loudness discrimination: individual differential analysis. National Psychological Journal. 1, 106-116.

Pages: 106-116

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0110

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Social Psychology

Rikel A.M., Tsoy M.A. (2018). Peculiarities of attributing success and failure in representatives of different religious confessions (based on Muslims and Orthodox Christians case). National Psychological Journal. 1, 117-127.

Pages: 117-127

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0111

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Marasanov H.I., Salnik D.A. (2018). The connection between the manager’s innovative activity and preferred ways of overcoming the «problem of success». National Psychological Journal. 1, 128-140.

Pages: 128-140

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0112

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Psychology and law

Golichenkov A. K., Belitskaya A.V., Barabanshchikova V.V., Vaipan V.A., Davidyan G.M., Zinchenko Yu.P., Molotnikov A.E., Timofeeva L.N., Shoigu Yu.S. (2018) The current state of the legal regulation of psychological assistance. National Psychological Journal, [Natsional’nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal], 11(1), 141–150.

Pages: 141-150

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0113

Available Online: 30.03.2018

Golichenkov A. K., Vaipan V.A., Davidyan G.M. (2018) On the need for elaborating a federal law on psychological assistance. National Psychological Journal, 1, 151–157.

Pages: 151-157

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0114

Available Online: 30.03.2018