ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Young psychologists in search for ideas and scientific solutions

Young psychologists in search for ideas and scientific solutions

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 07/12/2017

Accepted: 07/16/2017

Published: 10/10/2017

p.: 3-5

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0301

Keywords: history of psychology

Available online: 10.10.2017

To cite this article:

Rikel, A.M.. Young psychologists in search for ideas and scientific solutions. // National Psychological Journal 2017. 3. p.3-5. doi: 10.11621/npj.2017.0301

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Issue 3, 2017

Rikel, A.M. Lomonosov Moscow State University


June 29–July 3, 2017 the Department of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, holds an International Student Scientific Practical Conference, Summer School of the Department of Psychology (LShP MSU- 2017)

To cite this article:

Rikel, A.M.. Young psychologists in search for ideas and scientific solutions. // National Psychological Journal 2017. 3. p.3-5. doi: 10.11621/npj.2017.0301

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