ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
On specifics of pedagogical work and professional competenc

On specifics of pedagogical work and professional competenc

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 01/19/2016

Accepted: 02/02/2016

Published: 07/06/2016

p.: 96-101

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2016.0112

Keywords: educational psychology; teacher; education; training; child; development

Available online: 06.07.2016

To cite this article:

Zharova, Darya V., Minkov, Vladimir A.. On specifics of pedagogical work and professional competenc. // National Psychological Journal 2016. 1. p.96-101. doi: 10.11621/npj.2016.0112

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Issue 1, 2016

Zharova, Darya V. Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Teacher-Training University

Minkov, Vladimir A. Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy


The process of establishing national education in Great Britain in the late 19th century demanded acceptance of cardinal measures on revising the system of primary education in general, changing the approaches to training and education of children and teacher training. A wide network of teacher training colleges required manuals on pedagogical psychology for elementary school teachers. Alexander Bain and James Sully were the first to develop the issues of pedagogical psychology in Great Britain. Psychology and pedagogical views of Alexander Bain can be found in the works “Education as a Science“, “Psychology“. Psychological ideas of James Sully are reflected in the works “The Teacher’s Handbook of Psychology“, “Studies of Childhood“, “Pedagogical Psychology“. In the works of the British scientists, a wide range of pedagogical psychology issues are presented: from lesson organization issues to problems of professional and basic qualities of teachers. Ideas on the value of a reflection and empathy as factors of efficacy of pedagogical activity were innovative ideas, for psychology and pedagogical science of the 19th century; readiness and ability of the teacher for self-control as basis of efficiency of training and education processes; on the value of communicative, organizing and pedagogical abilities of the teacher, etc. First mentioned in Alexander Bain and James Sully’s works, many ideas find reflection in works of modern scholars.

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To cite this article:

Zharova, Darya V., Minkov, Vladimir A.. On specifics of pedagogical work and professional competenc. // National Psychological Journal 2016. 1. p.96-101. doi: 10.11621/npj.2016.0112

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