ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Psychological pedagogical assistance to parents of children with severe health problems: guidelines and opportunities.

Psychological pedagogical assistance to parents of children with severe health problems: guidelines and opportunities.

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 01/18/2016

Accepted: 02/02/2016

Published: 07/06/2016

p.: 70-77

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2016.0109

Keywords: psychological assistance to parents of seriously ill children; family stress; family resources in overcoming difficult situations; level of social and psychological adaptation of parents

Available online: 06.07.2016

To cite this article:

Podolskaja, Tatyana A., Mazurova, Nadezhda V.. Psychological pedagogical assistance to parents of children with severe health problems: guidelines and opportunities.. // National Psychological Journal 2016. 1. p.70-77. doi: 10.11621/npj.2016.0109

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Issue 1, 2016

Podolskaja, Tatyana A.

Mazurova, Nadezhda V.


An analysis of reference data on the psychosocial assistance to parents of sick children is presented. The level of such topics as family stress, family resources in overcoming difficult situations is highlighted. The content of the correction phase of psychological assistance to parents of seriously ill children based on the principle of consistency is shown.

Russian studies of family stress and ways to overcome are shown. The content of the concept of «family stress» is revealed. Violations of psychological adjustment of the sick child in the family aspect of the posttraumatic stress reactions are shown. The paper explains the reasons for unequal family resistance to the complexities of life. The concept of «family coping», that includes protective family factors, recovery factors, family resources is revealed. The results of the study of family problems coping. It reveals the role of family factors in developing personal coping resources and individual coping style. The paper displays the content of the psychological assistance to parents with seriously ill children, taking into account the severity of the child’s condition, the individual characteristics of the parents, the level of social psychological adaptation micro- and macrosocial impacts. These include psychological pedagogical support of the family in the first stage of adopting child diagnosis, psychological and educational assistance to parents with a seriously ill child, psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents with a high level of social and psychological adaptation, psychological and educational assistance to parents of children with disorders of the central nervous system.


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To cite this article:

Podolskaja, Tatyana A., Mazurova, Nadezhda V.. Psychological pedagogical assistance to parents of children with severe health problems: guidelines and opportunities.. // National Psychological Journal 2016. 1. p.70-77. doi: 10.11621/npj.2016.0109

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