ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Features of organization and provision of emergency

Features of organization and provision of emergency

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 09/25/2015

Accepted: 10/03/2015

Published: 11/15/2015

p.: 67-73

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2015.0307

Keywords: emergency situation (ES) ; emergency psychological assistance; adverse social and psychological effects; mass reaction; risk factors; risk analysis; forecast risk; public safety

Available online: 15.11.2015

To cite this article:

Shoigu, Yu.S. , Pyzhyanova, Larisa G., Portnova, Julia M.. Features of organization and provision of emergency. // National Psychological Journal 2015. 3. p.67-73. doi: 10.11621/npj.2015.0307

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Issue 3, 2015

Shoigu, Yu.S. Center of Emergency Psychological Aid, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Pyzhyanova, Larisa G. Center of Emergency Psychological Aid, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Portnova, Julia M. Center of Emergency Psychological Aid, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia


The paper uses the experience of psychological service of EMERCOM in Russia. The notion of emergency psychological aid in emergency situations involving analyzing and predicting risk of adverse social and psychological mass phenomena in emergency and risk management approaches.

For example, a particular emergency situation caused by the fire and the collapse of Admiral Shopping Center in Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan), which took place 11 March 2015, the basic principles of organizing experts of the psychological service of EMERCOM of Russia, involved in elimination of emergency situations effects, including expert practice and challenges. General approach to the provision of emergency psychological assistance to the victims and relatives of those killed and injured during the emergency and organization of such work in specific areas are outlined: on-site emergency, «hotline» phone in the Bureau of Forensic Medicine.

Organization of interdepartmental cooperation of EMERCOM psychological service experts of Russia with other services engaged and disaster relief efforts are briefly touched upon. The paper raises issues of cooperation with psychologist organizations within the framework of the unified state system of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations to ensure prolonged psychological assistance to the victims and relatives of those killed and injured.In the conclusion, factors in a given emergency situation that could affect the psychological state of the victims are estimated.


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To cite this article:

Shoigu, Yu.S. , Pyzhyanova, Larisa G., Portnova, Julia M.. Features of organization and provision of emergency. // National Psychological Journal 2015. 3. p.67-73. doi: 10.11621/npj.2015.0307

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