ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Sport Psychology – modern objectives of scientific and applied psychological support of sport activity

Sport Psychology – modern objectives of scientific and applied psychological support of sport activity

PDF (Rus)

p.: 71-74

Keywords: sport psychology; sport activities; sport psychologist; psychological preparation of athletes; psychological support of sport sphere; high performance sports

Available online: 04.02.2014

To cite this article:

Safonov, Vladimir K. . Sport Psychology – modern objectives of scientific and applied psychological support of sport activity. // National Psychological Journal 2012. 2. p.71-74.

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Issue 2, 2012

Safonov, Vladimir K. Saint-Petersburg State University


Psychological foundation is determined as systematizing factor of scientific support of sport. The functioning of psychic is defined as the main determinant of functional and psychological traumatizing in exercising and competing sport activities. The objectives of psychological support of athletes training are formulated as the individualizing of sport activity management techniques; the psychological surveillance of the resistance to exercise activities and readiness to compete; the rehabilitation of psychological freshness and functional capacity to work; the individual and group counseling; the optimization of interpersonal climate in sport teams.

To cite this article:

Safonov, Vladimir K. . Sport Psychology – modern objectives of scientific and applied psychological support of sport activity. // National Psychological Journal 2012. 2. p.71-74. doi:

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