ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Subjective Well-Being and Career Orientations of Adolescents with the Signs of Giftedness in Different Areas of Activity

Subjective Well-Being and Career Orientations of Adolescents with the Signs of Giftedness in Different Areas of Activity

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 04/14/2023

Accepted: 01/15/2024

Published: 03/12/2024

Keywords: giftedness; areas of activity; types of giftedness; sports; creativity; academical achievements; schoolchildren; subjective well-being; career attitudes

p.: 41-55

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2024.0103

Available online: 12.03.2024

To cite this article:

Malyonova, A.Yu., Potapova, Yu.V., Malenov, A.A., Potapov, A.K. . Subjective Well-Being and Career Orientations of Adolescents with the Signs of Giftedness in Different Areas of Activity. // National Psychological Journal 2024. 1. p.41-55. doi: 10.11621/npj.2024.0103

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Issue 1, 2024

Malyonova, A.Yu. Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Potapova, Yu.V. Omsk State Medical University

Malenov, A.A. Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Potapov, A.K. Dostoevsky Omsk State University


Background. The optimal condition for the progressive development of society is the creation of an educational environment that takes into account the psychological characteristics of gifted students in the context of achieving their subjective well-being in the present and professional well-being in the future.

Objective. The aim is to study the characteristics of subjective well-being and career orientations in schoolchildren with signs of giftedness in different areas of activity.

Study Participants. The comparative study involved 461 Omsk schoolchildren (groups were identified as academic, creative, sports gifted, combining two and three types of giftedness, and a control group.

Methods. The comparative study involved diagnosis of subjective well-being by R.M. Shamionov and T.V. Beskova, and the teqnique for studying motivation in professional career by E. Shein in the adaptation of V.E. Vinokurova and V.A. Chiker.

Results. It was revealed that the highest levels of well-being are found in adolescents who combine signs of sports talent with creative or academic giftedness. The third position is occupied by schoolchildren with signs of academic giftedness. The lowest integral indicators of well-being are observed among adolescents with signs of creative giftedness and those who combine signs of giftedness in the creative and academic spheres. The dominant career orientations of adolescents with creative achievements are autonomy, professional competence, job stability, integration of lifestyles. The orientation towards entrepreneurship is most closely associated with well-being. Those with achievements in sports orient towards management and entrepreneurship, which are also interconnected with the growth of emotional and existential-effective well-being. Service orientation is more pronounced in adolescents who have signs of sports and creative talent. Teenagers who combine signs of all three types of giftedness show the lowest indicators of career orientations in the absence of their connection with well-being and unformed accents in the profile.

Conclusion. The features and interrelations of the components of subjective well-being and career orientations in schoolchildren with signs of giftedness in different areas of activity: academic, creative, sports, and their combinations, which are the basis for the psychological support of gifted adolescents, are determined.


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To cite this article:

Malyonova, A.Yu., Potapova, Yu.V., Malenov, A.A., Potapov, A.K. . Subjective Well-Being and Career Orientations of Adolescents with the Signs of Giftedness in Different Areas of Activity. // National Psychological Journal 2024. 1. p.41-55. doi: 10.11621/npj.2024.0103

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